Why subscribe?

Vectors of Mind is a 1934 paper from LL Thurstone, an interloping electrical engineer who developed factor analysis to explore the scope of human personality and understand how individuals differ. I started the blog to plumb the current wave of advances in LLMs for psychological insights (see my inaugural: The Big Five Are Word Vectors). While writing in this space, I fell down a rabbit hole of how language has produced selective pressure for the Theory of Mind, and I am cobbling together a theory that there was a phase change in self-awareness 50,000-5,000 years ago. The original idea came from word vectors, but at this point, I draw as much from mythology and linguistics. It’s a bit like if Julian Jaynes had the internet. So, subscribe to enjoy the ride. If the consciousness stuff turns out to be bunk (possible!), I still have plenty to say about AI and psychology.

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Machine Learning Psychometrics / Snake Cult


Machine Learning Psychometrics / Snake Cult